"Know that the Lord is God. It is God that made us..." Psalm 100:3

I woke up this morning with
a smile on my face.
I felt a calmness and peace,
a certainty of grace.
My heart was pumping, with
jubilance flowing through.
My eyes brightly twinkled
just for You.
What was to happen,
how could I know this day?
There would be work and
surely time to play.
Warm, hearty greetings were
forming in my mind.
Loving looks to share,
I would be so kind.
From my head to my feet,
serenity surrounded me.
Only you God, my Lord and Creator,
could that be.
You give me my smile, my grace,
my work and You.
I just have to ask.
"Is it too good to be true?"
The answer, a resounding NO,
is what I hear.
For God is my provider
and ever so near.
My life, a point of light for all to see
God's love, joy and prosperity, that is me.
®2002 Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins
